Friday, May 17, 2013

Leynelle Styles- British flag version xx

Hello fellow bloggers..this is my blog for this week, May 12-19. I really love this outfit trend- the British flag is really stylish and very chic. 

 Aside from that, I was inspired by my idols- my super duper crush boyband- ONE DIRECTION. Four of them are British- Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn while Niall is Irish. I am an avid and die-hard Directioner!!

I was also inspired by tumblr because many users post their photos with the British flag design..

and of course the very gorgeous Emma fave star  xx

here is my own version :)

its really a crap coz we took many photos..but this one appeared to be the best..and guess what? irony of ironies!- its a stolen shot! xx

my own version is just simple but very hip and very comfortable...because I believe that the essence of fashion or style is not just being able to carry the your clothing but also being comfortable with your outfit! :)

here are what i used..



follow me on TWITTER: @LeynelleStyles
INSTAGRAM: @leynelle
FACEBOOK: Nelilyn Leynelle Ariz-

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


By: Nelilyn Leynelle P. Ariz

....the virus spreads...

Viruses are minute non-cellular particles in living cells. They consist of a core of nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA), surrounded by a protein coat and in some types, a lipid- containing envelope. They alternate between an inert virile stage and an infective stage in which their capsules bind to the host cell and the viral nucleic acid enter the school and direct the components of the host cell to assemble replica viruses. These are finally liberated, often with damage or to death of the host cell. They are responsible for a wide range of diseases in plants and animals, including influenza, measles, rabies and chicken pox.

Likewise, many are experiencing this viral infection. It is not deadly but it is harmful. It is not contagious, yet it spreads like wildfire. Patients need not to be quarantined to be cured; just a dose of sanity will help them recuperate. In fact, this disease has infected the community for over a decade already, yet students seemed not to be alarmed at all or perhaps, they simply want to be quiet about this until it dies a natural death. However, a virus can never be treated by a simple bed rest- a strong vaccine must be discovered to stop its wide- spread. A vaccine must then be made available especially for the academic community before everyone will be infected by the virus called same sex relationship.

I don't have anything against anyone. I don't have any right to intrude on anybody's emotion; I am just defending the integrity of educational institutions especially the Catholic schools which are supposed to be the bastion of moral uprightness. It is just okay to have strong emotions on someone of the same gender as you are. Blame it to your genes- males secreting more of estrogen and progesterone and females having more testosterone hormones. However, going beyond the limitations- delving into romantic, worse sexual relationships that's something to guard at already. Such relationships are being frowned at. Irony of all the ironies! When such couples are facing the crowd, people garnish them with praises but once they are out of eaves drop, people savor them with criticisms.

Let's face it: this kind of relationship is tabooed in all schools, more so in the Louisian community. What for are our goals if they are not attainable at all? How can we attain our being true Christians when we cannot live Christian lives at all.? The words coming out from them like, " nag-yummy si....", are blast of atomic bombs for the ear. Although I admit that a good number of them are excelling in the other aspects- being cream of crops and school leaders. I am not a saint, but I am not also a hundred percent bitch.

This is the latest trend and probably the hottest stuff in schools today, but it doesn't mean that you need to join the bandwagon just to fit, right?

Because of the existence of same sex relationships, the demarcation line between love and pseudo relationships has been narrowed down to an inch of an inch. Just because you have someone to share your maladies of life with, or perhaps someone to enjoy the gruesome vacant hours or even the drab weekends mean that love is existing. Companionship is the better term for that. Just because that someone is the current campus celebrity, most prized player of the varsity team or perhaps just an ordinary student with an voluptuous looks means that love is evident. Attraction is the fitting term. Just because he/ she can satiate your fantasies means that you are in love with that person. Lust overrules it. Love can and will never exist on the given conditions. I strongly believe that boy compliments girl. It is time to have your eyes be checked by an ophthalmologist or perhaps, a visit to the psychiatrist will be better. I am not implying, I am just simply suggesting.

I remember my male classmates borrowing money from another classmates during examination days for the reason that they have already spent their allowance/ tuition fees for their date or load with their boyfriends. Worst scenarios will also involve students who pay for their boyfriends' school fees, boarding fees and allowances. Aye, poor parents! I pity those parents for being victims of your scams . I say, shame to these individuals who become parasites because of you. Sorry for the word, but this is what they really are. They are like ticks and lies that cannot live if they do not suck blood from the head. They will not only drain your blood, make your hair dry, but they will also drain your pockets. I can picture perfectly one satirical comedy I came across with wherein the comedian said something like, "....siya kumakain ng pork chop, ako ketchup." I laughed when I watched this sitcom, but this is the bitter reality.

On the other hand, I am not homophobic. I have nothing against homosexuals. In fact, I even look up to some of them. Many of them have already become pillars of institutions- student leaders, academic honor-rolls and record- setters. Their contribution for the success of their school is beyond comparison. In fact, they even outshine the others. Their credibility have never put into question. As a matter of fact, students even elect them to office. These are also the same individuals who outwit their classmates in their academic feats and are victorious during competitions. Thus, at the end of each semester, they are the Dean's Lister's.

What's wrong with them then? As one pointed out, " We are like mutants trying to to fit in the society." It sounds absurd yet it makes sense. It has never been their fault. What makes it wrong is the way they deal with their situation- the act itself. Let us not condemn them as persons. They still have the right to live here.

Who is the real disease then- is it they who engage in same sex relationships or us who continue to castigate them?

Well, at the end of the day, I guess everybody needs a vaccine then.